Prince Island Wedding Photography-Dunja + Sina

Hello everyone,

Today I'm going to tell you about a place where I really enjoy shooting.

I am talking about Prince Island, which is as close as a ferry to Istanbul, though where you feel abroad when you arrive.

We were at Prince Island Elio in September 2021 for Dunja and Sina's wedding celebration. At around 16:00, we took the ferry from Bostancı with the guests of Dunja and Sina which was arranged for us. Our couple was waiting on the island. As soon as we left, they gave the start for ceremony , so as not to miss the most beautiful hours of the sunset. A very naive, colorful organization was planned in accordance with the spirit of the couple. Since the official wedding was abroad, only speeches were made and my couple recited their vows to each other. Both they and the guests had tears in their eyes, of course =)

Dunja and Sina had made an area with various games for the guests to enjoy. Foreigners are so successful at this for some reason =)

After dinner the crazy night started! The surprise of the night was the saxophone show prepared by Sina for the guests and Dunja. This great show impressed us too much as well =)

I recommend Prince Elio, who impresses me especially with its meals, to couples who are considering a wedding in 2022. Let's see a little bit of the story from my point of view:

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